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4 Years since my first haemorrhage.

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Today is 4 years since my first brain haemorrhage. It has been an incredible journey. BTG has been a major part in my recovery. I haven't been posting on the forum, as I have had so many problems and would not want to put people off. But I now feel that I can contribute as it would be positive, not negative. Will post again soon x

Love Nita xxx

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Hi Nita, congratulations on reaching your 4 year Anniverary.:-D

Its good to talk sometimes even when we feel down because often other people can relate and reassure, with just simple messages of support but more importantly understanding of what you are going through. :wink:

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Hi Mita,

My attendance here has been very poor but I am back again.

Happy 4rth anniversary. Great you are able to participate here again. Its my 8th anniversay tomorrow but on my own this weekend so I will treat myself to a Chinese takeway tomorrow night.

Take care and best wishes,


Edited by MelB
bad gramma
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Thanks for all the good wishes. Yesterday was 4 years since my 2nd haemorrhage, I'm on Secret Millionaire tonight (More 4 @ 9pm if anyone is interested) and tomorrow is 4 years since my coiling...... loads of celebrations all in one week!

Love Nita x

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Yes saw it last night Nita........forget about the money......You were the "Secret Survivor!" Operating the fork lift truck, I think Phil may have learnt something from you too. Well Done! Working where you are.........I think you did your bit too confirming Phil's generosity. I should thank Phil too having gone through his own journey, sharing some of his own experiences and his success. Long may his life and happiness continue with himself and his family.

Well Done all..........something to be proud of!

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