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Eye Poll!

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How many have had problems with vision after SAH. I lost 90% of the vision in my right eye whilst being coiled. Adjusted quite quickly to vision in only 1 eye - although do have a freak out every now and then when have any problems with left eye!!:crazy:

My vision (or lack of!!) is my reminder that although it was the worst experience of my life, I'm lucky to be here

Juliette xx

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I ended up with Terson's Syndrome in my left eye leaving me almost blind on that side. Apparently the blood forced its way down my optic nerve into the back of my eye looking for an exit because the pressure inside my skull was so high. When it cleared there was lots of debris left in the back of my eye, therefore leaving me with this syndrome.

A very good eye surgeon operated, cleared the debris, and gave me back my sight. For this I can't express how grateful I was.

After the op it was a bit of a nightmare because my retina had torn so an air bubble was inserted to keep the torn ends together. To keep this bubble in the correct place I had to "posture" for 4 weeks. ie, head in one position for 15 mins, then in a different position for another 15 mins, then 15 mins rest. I had to do this for 4 weeks 24 hours a day.

Well worth the effort as I now have my full sight back.

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I had a full third nerve palsy before my op, I regained use of my lid & the left/right movement of my eye but the pupil is still dilated & does not respond to light & the up/down movement has gone completely. This means that the double vision I have is permanent & after 3 years its not going to get better.

Mine is a result of the anni pressing on the 3rd nerve rather than due to blood on areas of the brain to do with vision. I now have to have the right lens of my glasses fogged to meet DVLA requirements for driving. I can see out of my right eye but the picture is not the same in each eye so I feel permenantly sea sick without the fogged lens.

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Third nerve palsy here too ... eye still slightly out of alignment, slight double vision left and noticeable when tired and a bit of nerve pain on occasions, which does hurt! I think that my vision has definitely been one of the worse problems to deal with.

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Hi Juliette,

I lost approximately 25% from my visual field in both eyes.

It's been just over four years now and I still have lots of trouble managing with it. Only last week I had an 'episode'. I was on holiday and had to have four attempts at crossing a road. If my husband hadn't shouted to me each time I tried ( I did look both ways lots.. I thought ) I would possibly not be here now. People don't seem able to grasp the fact I can miss things even when I look in that direction due to the blind bit following my eye movements. :frown:

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I get double vision at night and sometimes out of no where, but sometimes it is just back to my pre SAH astigmatism in my left eye.

You all humble me. I almost didn't post mine, but then I thought maybe others have just a slight issue and that can be par for the course as well. I'm going to go to an opthamologist to see if anything can be done for it when it hits.


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  • 2 months later...

Lost 90% of my vision in my left eye and significant visual field loss in my right - Optic nerve was damaged during clipping surgery. I have also been diagnosed with Glaucoma for which I have to take eyedrops.

I find it difficult when crossing the roads, even more stressful when walking the streets in London.Cyclists who don't obey the traffic lights and rules of the road are the bane of my life.

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As per my profile, I "have NOT" had a SAH, but my wife has had 2 and she has been through the mill so I am aware of a lot of issues, treatments and recovery - in soem way I would hope I can give some "non medical" advice and at least help others who have gone through this.

My wife had a SAH in 1999 with very little side effects, but a repeated SAH in 2011 with a massive siezure due to the severity of the SAH left her with severe eye problems initially, this was result of bleed before coiling.

Her right eye was partially paralysed and offset to the right, vision was ok but she did look strangely unattractive ;) as I told her at the time..... its my way.

Her left eye suffered with Tersons Syndrome, a large amount of blood travelled down the optic nerve into the eye and left her virtually blind in that eye (initially)

The Neuro surgeon assured her all would be ok.... "in time"... but not to expect a daily or weekly...or even monthly improvement, it could take more than 1 year.

The Eye clinic gave her a prism for her glasses for her left eye to help bring it back in line, which it did over around 1 month post coiling.

Her left eye improved slightly over 1 month where she could see "something" but had large "cockerill shaped" red patch in centre of vision - like the Kellogs logo.

Over a few months this degraded into a smaller patch, then smaller "lumps" which drifted around inside the eye.

Now, 2 years post treatment she is signed off from eye clinic - there is still a "small" particle but generally ok.

Explaination was, unlike the rest of the body the fluid in the eye can take years to change so any blood in the eye can take a long time to clear up... and sometimes "settles" in the bottom of the eye and can be disturbed into a "floater" by sudden movement.

So, if you have eye problems, Tersons Syndrome etc it can take time.... keep positive and hopeful.

Edited by Tina
Line spacing inserted for easier reading :)
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I feel a little humble posting this, as it would appear that a lot of people have suffered worse than I in this area, My biggest issue is with double vision, this concerns me greatly as I am unsure whether I will be able to return to my job unless this condition improves...

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Hello all, I have to say if I was asked this much earlier in my recovery I would have had not much to say other than some vision lost in both eyes.

But at my 2 year mark I have much facial pain and my right eye is a little ****** of constant pain. I wake up with it and it gets worse through out the day. I first started with the dentist for the face pain as I knew I needed some work, next I went to eye dr where my right eye is slightly worse than last year so I got new light weight glasses that came in yesterday.

My glasses we really bothering my face - like they hurt it so I am hoping this lightweight pair with a stronger prescription does the trick.

I also noticed all the lamps and lightening in this house seems to be on my right side so I think I need to work on that too. AS light really bothers me. My GP mentioned "Trigeminal Nerve Pain". I really hope it is not that.

The pain is behind my right eye and I could just scoop it out. Or stick my finger in it! My eye dr did give me a cortisone drop to see if it takes down some inflammation but she does not think it is the issue I am dealing with. Just thought she needed to try it and it was cheap.

That's me right now with my finger in my eye stopping the constant pain!


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My eyesight has definately improved from very early on when it had a tendency to go blurry on me for no reason. I have no lasting damage but one thing I find now is that if I look at certain patterns I have to look away quickly as my eyes can't focus on it, or maybe it's my brain not focussing!

I also find the world a bit too bright so tend to wear my sunglasses most days, anyone else find that? I was wondering about getting some tinted prescription glasses , anyone else done that?

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I feel a little humble posting this, as it would appear that a lot of people have suffered worse than I in this area, My biggest issue is with double vision, this concerns me greatly as I am unsure whether I will be able to return to my job unless this condition improves...

My double vision has improved in the week or so since I last posted,

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I have had tinted lenses before. I am not a fan but thinking if I had a money tree I would have a pair and a pair of prescription sunglasses as well One of my issue is I often feel as if I need to turn the lights on when they are already on. My house is pretty bright with a lot of windows. But I never want or can stand the light hitting me in the eye when reading or when I lay down I think I need a wide brim hat on to shield the brightness but when standing walking around house I need that brightness.

It is a new weirdo thing I do trying to turn the light on that is already on. We also go new lightening at work and it was so nice and bright but now it does not seem so to me.


PS I am off to eye dr in 15 mintues for a follow up!

PSS Back from eye appointment, she wants me to continue the cortisone eye drops for a week 3 times a day since my pain level is so much better in this eye. It may be due to inflammation. I was sure it was due to my brain tumor growing and putting pressure on the nerve in eye.:)

Edited by MaryB
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  • 3 weeks later...

That is fantastic news Brent !

In two months your sight recovery being nearly back to pre SAH and your return to work this Monday :)

Wishing you well, remember to pace yourself. It would be really good to have an update on how you are doing in our 'Back to work' thread.

Take care.

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone found there eye sight was deteriorating? I am very depressed as the dvla sent me for a third eye test in 11months! I do at present still have my licence, but have been trying to renew it since my 70th birthday last September. I had a test last week and they say my sight is deterioating in my right eye.

I suffer from continuous pins and needles in my brain, the only way to describe it, it seems to be getting worse. I am terrified of asking for help, because of my licence, but it now wakes me up at night, and I don't think they are very interested in any one of my age. I only had an SAH burst blood vessel no aneurism, so I am surprised my symptoms seem to persist. I lead an active life and have even been placed in some of my pony driving competitions so I am not suffering with depression, just total frustration at having constant pain in my head and a wonky eye. I have every sympathy with every one who has these very difficult to describe symptoms with their head, if it wasn't for this web site I would be going nuts. Love Jill

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Hi Jill,

I'm afraid I can't comment on my eyesight deteriorating, but I couldn't read your post and just run - I'm a fellow horse enthusiast too!

I had an intracerebral (not SAH) in my left occipital lobe just over 3 months ago, meaning my bleed occurred in the visual processing part of my brain. As a result the bleed has left me with visual field loss on the right hand side. Whilst it doesn't affect me really on a day to day any more, I am currently battling to see if I can keep my driving licence. I have a vision test for the DVLA tomorrow, but won't get the results for a while. I am worried I will fail the test and they will take my licence off me. Currently I'm not allowed to drive under doctor's orders which means it's difficult for me to visit my horse (who is 18 and I have had since he was 4!). I can completely understand your frustrations with the long-winded DVLA process (it's taken thm 3 months just to decide to send me for a vision test!).

I'm glad you are at least able to still participate in the pony driving trials - horses are great healers! Sadly I can't ride mine at the moment due to an unrelated wrist injury, but I've had the go-ahead from my neurologist to ride and have had a few sneaky sits on my horse! Try and enjoy your pony driving :)

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