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Ten Years Today


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Well, I hit the ten year mark today. Overall I'm doing quite well, though last week I had my first major anxiety attack in quite some time. It was bad enough to send me to the dr, who prescribed better living through pharmaceuticals. Whatever it takes to keep on keepin on!


Many thanks to all of you for this site and for making so many of us all across the miles keep from feeling alone. 


Love, Colleen

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Hello Colleen


Many thanks for keeping in touch at BTG and a BIG well done on ten years post SAH.  A great milestone.


Hope your recent anxiety attack was only a `blip` on the road, and best wishes as you continue on the journey.


You enjoyed your dog Annie`s presence all these years ago..... how is your latest 4 legged friend settling down one year on?


Best wishes in the days ahead and continue to keep in touch.




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Hi Colleen :)


Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary !

So sorry you had a bad anxiety attack and hope as Subs says it was just a blip xx

Hope you have a lovely day celebrating xx


Keep in touch and take care

Love Tina xx 

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Hey Colleen


Congrats on the decade anniversary!!  Definitely just a blip - and anyone can have a blip, not just cos they've had a bleed - so take heart in how well you've dealt with it on top of having a bleed.  Well done you!! xx

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Hi Colleen belated happy Anniversary xx and many more.


My Daughter has panic attacks, she went to the Doc and she said you are in good health ie heart lungs etc are fine !! Daughter skipped out of surgery.  She has the odd one or two when she puts herself under pressure.  We talk about it when she needs to. 


They are not nice things and scary but try having water and mints for dry mouth days and remember "it to shall pass"  vicious circle they are you panic and work self up then you feel you are losing control.  Been there come out other side.  I do not get them anymore apart from one in 9 years. (Due to worry about SAH) 

(Touch wood and whistle )  Keep Well xxxx

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Well done Colleen! Many congratulations!


What's that other saying?  When the going gets tough, the tough get going! 


Don't let the blip be the thing you remember, what about the good things in the 9.95 years.  Good beats bad - that's the headline!


Just goes to show though, that even ten years out, a SAH can still have an effect.  Think positive thoughts, you're through the blip and hopefully it'll be a long, long, time before you suffer another, if at all.


Best wishes,



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