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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Nurianna I can relate to all of the above....even my left shoulder Celia....weird ! I put it down to driving again...but has been so uncomfortable that i cannot sleep on it. My headaches have improved....but are bad if i over do things. Fatigue, balance, blurry vision and nerve pain in my face and short term memory are my constant problems. I cant multitask like it used to and this really frustrates me big time. Also my forgetfulness...i was so on the ball and in control.....this i find drives me insane....i get very cross with myself. I was hoping to be back to work by now....but know and have accepted i am still not quite ready which has been hard, as i feel i have let myself and everyone down.......i ran my own business from home...marketing/research. Maybe not now...but i will get back to the old me...i am determined! Leonie....i am the same....my right hand side of my forehead still does not move....i cover it with my fringe. My eye brow still does not move but twitches at the side of my eye when i try to move it. My Consultant said he thinks he cut the nerve...but....it has improved from 2 years ago so i still live in hope I have had some really down tearful times too....my emotions seem all over the place sometimes.... suffered from panic attacks and get very anxious....this has also got better....still gets me from time to time....but always try and be positive and keep smiling I can empathise with you too as Janet has said... it is hard learning to adapt to the new you....but i am also very thankful to be here to do it. Hang in there xx. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi John.....ouch ! you have been in the wars ! Hope you are ok.....i too am clumsy...but like Penny i have been from the start ...well since my SAH....i did have really bad tremors as well at the beginning.....these have more or less gone completely 2 years later....but come back if i get tired as does my clumsiness get worse. My coordination is bad as well. I agree with Penny....go and get it checked out...just for piece of mind. Take care and try and slow down when doing things.....i always zoom around or try to like before....and it doesn't always work Love Tina xx
  3. Hi Laura....i am only mildly asthmatic these days...only sometimes when i get a bad cold...which is rare...do i use my Turbohaler....Bricanyl....this is the blue one....not a preventer. I took mine recently and lucky for me it did not make my head hurt. Really hope your headache eases. Agree with Janet...maybe it needs a bit of time for you to get used to the preventer. Take care Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Debbie ...a very warm welcome to you...it is very common for SAH not to be diagnosed at first ...i was similar to you....only i was told i had a sick bug and given anti sickness tablets....which did not work lol.....my friend took me to A&E and i was scanned and then rushed to Atkinson Morley Neuro Hospital where i had 7 hours life saving surgery, i was clipped like you. Two years on and i am getting there slowly but surely. :-D You are not alone....we look forward to hearing more from you....take care love Tina xx
  5. A very warm welcome to BTG you are doing so well and should be so proud of yourself....but as the others have said please take your time and go gently.... listen to your body....look forward to hearing more from you...love Tina xx
  6. Tina


    Hi Rod....thinking of you....and sending a big hug....take care love Tina xx
  7. Hi Anders A very warm welcome to you....i too suffer from extreme tiredness, have found the more i try to do the worse it gets.....it really is important to pace yourself and listen to your body,great advice i had from Karen when i first joined here !!! Look forward to hearing more from you. I also suffer from nerve pain and its certainly worse with the cold !! Take care Love Tina xx
  8. Hi Paul a very warm welcome to you.....as the others have already said, it changes your whole life....turns everything upside down. I hope that Mandy might have a look on here.....there is so much help and support. We are here for you...take care love Tina xx
  9. Hi Ali :-D so very pleased for you both......John is doing so well !! Great to hear you are on cloud nine Take care both...love Tina xx
  10. Hi Just wanted to welcome you to BTG....you will find amazing help and support here, look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  11. Hi Yes it is strange how we are affected by the weather.....you are not alone ! A very warm welcome to BTG. Take care Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Mel a very warm welcome to BTG....glad you found us.....look forward to hearing more from you...take care..love Tina xx
  13. Hi Debra a very warm welcome to BTG....you have done extremely well.... look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  14. Hi Ern A very warm welcome to BTG....you have done well...well done to you As for flying...i flew recently to Greece and had no problems at all....look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  15. Hi Carol Sory you have had such a reaction....i have never had it myself, but my Mum swears by it. I think you are meant to drink lots of water after as well. Hope you feel better...take care love Tina xx
  16. Hi a very warm welcome to BTG . I personally cant give you any advice on shunts etc but there are others here that can. It is very early days...your father will be confused, and very tired, i was much the same. It does get better . Wanted to welcome you and wish you and your Dad well, please let us know how you are all doing, and ask away, as there are lots of us here that can help and support you. Take care Love Tina xx
  17. Hi Laanka :-D:-D hug hug xx Wishing you well for your coiling and hope you dont have to wait too long now you have made your decision. Glad you have some time off work and spending time with family and friends....Take care Love and hugs to you. Tina xx
  18. Congratulations Jim on your 2nd Anni-versary :) love to you both....Take care love Tina xx
  19. I asked my GP about it, as my Macmillan nurse said i should....he said i did not need it.....i have had a very bad cold in the past, but very rarely, and never had flu where you end up in bed.....so fingers crossed i wont catch it now xx
  20. Hi Chris A very warm welcome to you.... Rod and Paul have said it all, it is early days for your Mum, she is doing very well bless her.....i still have that problem now when i get tired at very nearly 2 years. Cant add alot to all the great advice they have given you....apart from say that we are always here to support you.....look forward to hearing more from you....take care...wishing you both well. Love Tina xx
  21. Good for you John :thumbsup: what a result !! Hope you hear about biopsy soon. Take care love Tina xx
  22. Tina


    Hi Diane so pleased for you both...the others have said it all take care both...love Tina xx
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