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Hello I'm Ian


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Hello everyone.

I had my SH 10 weeks ago on the 3rd January 2010 and like so many others it seems left hospital without really knowing what I should be doing next or whether the symptoms I continue to experience were the normal effects of what had happened to me.Finding behind the gray and reading all your posts has provided me with enormous reassurance and answered many of the questions that were swirling around my head. If truth be told I,m still a little frightened by it all and despite my consultants reassuring words about the future not yet convinced. It is a great relief to be able to share my concerns with people who themselves have gone through the experience. I hope you will all help me on this journey.


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Good morning Ian and welcome to BTG. :-D

What we have gone through is a frightening experience and it is natural to be worried about the future. You don't say what kind of SAH you had but you will find lots of information and support on here.:biggrin:

Look forward to reading your posts in the future. Welcome :biggrin:

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A very warm welcome to you Ian,

I know many of us have been so grateful for this site, which has brought reassurance from what is a very frightening experience. At least now that you are among other sah survivors, you will no longer feel so alone and can see from others, that things do improve over time.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions that may concern you, there will usually be someone around who has experienced something similar and is now wearing the T-shirt - this is a great, friendly community and it is nice to have you with us:-D

Good luck with your continued recovery,


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WElcome to the BTG family Ian. it is a very frightenig thing to go from hospital with nurses all round you 24/7 to being home with nothing! I used to pray every night before I went to sleep to wake up in the morning I was so scared. That lasted for a few months but now I am more relaxed about it & only worry when I get eye twinges or a bad head which does happen from time to time but not as frequently was just aft r discharge.

It's very natural to worry & hard when you feel isolated but now you've found us you aren't alone at all. do try & rest & let yout brain heal after all it's had a good bashing recently, drinking lots of water/fluids will help with the headaches too.

Take care & take things slowly xxx

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G'day and a warm welcome from down under:-D ,

I to found this whole thing a very scary place to be. But with help from this site and couselling and a great GP i am starting to make sense of things, but it does take time. I had my SAH in june 2010. Rest plenty drink lots of water, and make yourself known in your local GP clinic, as when problems arise they will know that you need to see the doctor quickly, if only to settle your mind. Any questions anytime just ask;-)

Take care Rhiann

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Hi Ian

Welcome to the big BTG family!

It is a scary place to be when you are released from the confines of your hospital bed and left to face the recovery on your own, without knowing what that recovery will entail.

Now you have found others who can understand how you are feeling and help you along the way, you will be in a better place.

Ask away and someone on here will be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction at least :wink:

As others have said, lots of rest and the 3 litres of water a day helps keep you on track.

Take care,

Kel x

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Hi Ian

Welcome to the site.

I found this site the best thing ever apart from surviving the SAH inJune last year. There is always someone to speak to on here. I often have a rant on here, which seems lik a way of releasing some of the frightening feeings i have.

We were all worried so early on, well we still do now but its natural when youve gone through something so big with little knowledge afterwards about what to expect.

We are all going through our own journeys but im sure we will all help you through.

Take care

Traci S xxx

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Hi Ian a warm welcome to you:-D

It's so good that your writing on here so early in your recovery you wil get lots of support your with friends now!

Its perfectly normal to be afraid, as time moves on you'll become more confident and the fear will seem less intense.

I was terrified at first, all sorts of things went through my head and I needed alot of reassurance which is when I was offered councelling and I reccomend that if it is offered to you take it! if not ask!

good luck and look forward to hearing more from you :-D

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What kind of SAH did you have? I had a non-aneurysm SAH on November 10th. I've found this group at BTG to be the best source of support and information. The biggest lesson I've learned is don't go back to your normal pace too early. I thought I could be back to work January 5th and tried it for a month. I ended up feeling worse and am now at home listening to my body and giving myself time to heal. We are all different but that's a common theme I see here at BTG - go slow and expect it to take time. I found counseling helped me understand that better.

It's nice to have you here Ian. :-D

Sandi K.

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Good moring Ian! I commented on your story already - so, good to see you in the green room as well!!! Huge welcome to you!

So now you know you're not alone in all this - we're all here to help one another and it is so comforting to have people you can talk with and share your experiences. We have all been through it and empathise - we "get" each other :biggrin:

When they say 3 liters, they really mean it. I can make a huge difference with many of the symptoms. I'm just a little over a year since my SAH and thought I'd been getting plenty of water...until I actually measured it all out last week! OMG - it's a lot of water, but having been feeling pretty good the last few days.

Hang in there buddy and keep coming back!!!


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Hi Ian

Welcome to the site and to the family.

you are very early on in your recovery and everything is and will be scary at the moment. It seems that most of us, if not all, left hospital with no information on what to expect or the best way to recover.

I'm nearly five years in and, like you at this point in your recoveery, I was scared, unsure, angry and guilty. I went from being someone who could control almost all of their emotions to someone who cried at the drop of a hat and got angry over stupid things. As time passed this calmed down but there was a time I felt like I was literally going mad.

Post traumatic stress syndrome can play a big part in the aftermath and for a while your emotions may be all over the place.

Rest is essential - think of breaking your leg and it beingin plaster for six weeks - the brain can't rest completely and so takes so much longer to mend. Listen to your body and definitely drink 3 litres of water throughout the day.

If there is anything you need to ask or want to share then there will definitely always be someone here who can help or advise or just listen.

Take care - look forward to hearing more from you.

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Thankyou everyone for your warm welcome to the site. It is enormously reassuring to know there are so many friends out there who have been there " and got the T shirt ".

Someone asked what type of SH I had and please forgive my lack of knowledge but I think from the replies to my post I had what is called a none anni SH. In fact that is one of my questions which I am not sure I have had an answer to and that is " if my SH was not caused by an anuerism - then what did cause it ". I had a scan of every blood vessel in my brain which the consultant said did not reveal an anuerism and then I had what I think is called an anigram where they put a catheter from my groin to my neck and put a number of dyes into different parts of my brain. Once i had marvelled at seeing an etchasketch picture of my brain in different colours I was told that scan had not revealed any cause and therefore there was no surgical intervention required. Except for saying occasionally small bleeds can oocur no explanation was given as to the cause so presumably it could happen again ?

I went back to hospital for a full MRI scan two weeks ago so perhaps that has provided the medics with more information and my consultant will tell me more on thursday when I see him.

Thank you once again to one and all for your very warm welcome and advice - I am already feeling the benefits of the 3 litres of water per day but have yet to syncronise the visits to the loo with my nights sleep !!!!


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Hi Ian and welcome to BTG! I must admit, if I had had the non-anni type of SAH, I'd be wondering what on earth went on too, so don't feel bad. I'm just 13 months post-op and I really thought I'd be back at work months ago. It was not to be, and now I've finally accepted that the doctors were right. I'm taking it easy and listening to my body... and still trying to drink my 3 litres a day :lol:

Keep smiling!

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Hi Ian, I wonder if you had a perimesencephalic SAH which is a non aneurysm SAH, (NASAH)? If you did then they dont likely know the cause of the bleed but they couldn't find an aneurysm in the angiogram or CT scan. If that's what you had then you probably won't have another. There have been some studies on this and Surfer34 has posted links under the peri forum here at BTG. Reading those should set your mind at ease. Hope you are feeling well this evening.

Sandi K.

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Nessie, thank you for the giggle! "as long as you all keep quiet". Hahahhaa!

My family has been visiting and they like the TV on at all times. I know it's just their regular routine but I need quiet in my day. Makes me wonder how I'll ever get back to my job or how I managed at all when I went back too early!!! :crazy::shocked:

Sandi K.

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