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Wind and temple pressure

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Does anyone else have a problem with this terrible wind at the moment? I am not actually in pain but have been feeling pressure in my temple region all day. I relieved it earlier with a couple of Paracetamol but it's back again now. Does anyone know if it is to do with SAH even though mine was non-aneurysmal ? I could imagine that if I had coils or a clip that weather pressure may affect you but what if you don't have them, is it all in my mind?

Be interested if anyone else with a NASAH has the same problem.


Clare xx

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Clare, I may not be much help but I will send a quick message. I did have my aneurysm coiled and my head has never felt the same, even my headaches seem different. I get the weirdest feelings...kinda pressure like on the side and behind my eyes sometimes. I have sinus issue which I have always blamed and have always had allergy type problems, everything just seems intensified since the coiling. I have just learned to live with it because I am so greatful that my aneurysms were found and they were able to coil.

Good luck and God Bless,


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Daffs and myself mentioned how pressure makes us more heady (My words) .


It's like our heads cannot take the barometric pressure change since op.


So join the club  xxxx another club we started up ha ha


Good luck hope you feel better soon xx





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Yep, low pressure affects my head .... I call it a "barometer head" and the weather lately has played havoc with it. If it's cold and windy I find that I have to wear a hat now. Pre-SAH I was only sensitive to thundery weather and it would normally give me a migraine, so I knew there was a storm coming. 

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I have many many hats now. The High heels had to go with balance these days so I have swapped them for hats and I can't go in the wind without my head covered , even so this weekend the wind laid me low. Louise, win I was thinking of you as well in these storms. They always pass though ! Thankfully

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Clare, just picked up on this post,


When it`s windy I get a similar head to you,

I also have trouble with my balance when it`s windy,


I`ve only had this since SAH, I`m assuming it`s connected.

I also get very heavy head when it`s very cloudy,


Like Karen I call it "Barometer Head"


Hope this helps put your mind at rest.



Michelle xx

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This is a very interesting thread.  After my SAH, I had the expected headaches for a while after I was released from the hospital.  Then they went away and were replaced with acute pains above my eyebrows and towards my temples, lasting only a few seconds.  They felt a lot like the brain freeze you get when you drink something cold too fast.  Then they went away and I thought I was over them. 


Lately, I have had temple and over the eyebrow pain again, but not acute and short.  Long-term headaches,  not severe, but there.  I have been stretching a lot and though maybe I was straining and building pressure.  But now I wonder if the cold and wind have something to do with it.  I am not outside much, but I guess the pressure is everywhere.  I will be interested to see if the headaches let up when the weather improves.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone else have a problem with this terrible wind at the moment? I am not actually in pain but have been feeling pressure in my temple region all day. I relieved it earlier with a couple of Paracetamol but it's back again now. Does anyone know if it is to do with SAH even though mine was non-aneurysmal ? I could imagine that if I had coils or a clip that weather pressure may affect you but what if you don't have them, is it all in my mind?

Be interested if anyone else with a NASAH has the same problem.


Clare xx

Hi Clare, 


I too suffered a NASAH (almost 1 year ago). 

I have noticed lately as well the impact the wind has on my head. Just last week we had lots of wind (in Toronto, Canada) and I had terrible temple pain each day. When the wind died down so did my pain. I wore a hat to keep the wind out of my ears. 

Maybe this is our new normal? :) 

If you feel worried about it, it's always worth a trip to your physician. 


I wanted you to know you're not alone. 


Take care, 


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