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13 years post SAH today.


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It's my 13th SAH annie today ... Life has got better and better, so I hope that it gives you guys hope that healing continues for many, many years!


Eric took the day off and we went to Sherborne for a lovely Italian lunch and a glass of wine.... Sherborne is quite hilly and in my early years I found it very difficult walking etc and it took every bit of energy I had. I haven't been back to visit for some years, but today....I managed it solo, not much hand holding and made it up and down and around!


Today, is a good reminder that for each and every one of those 13 years, I've experienced more and more recovery ... Never be told that when you get to 2 years post SAH that you will experience little recovery and that the majority of your recovery will be experienced in those first two years. That's not true in my experience...and in fact, I believe that my physical and mental wellbeing, started at 2 years post SAH.


I was 2 years into my recovery, when I understood what had happened to me and accepted that life was going to be very different and my new normal, wasn't going to be the same as my normal before the brain injury. So, I decided to be kinder to myself and compare myself to the person who left hospital in a wheelchair, rather than the person I was before. It took me a long while to figure that one out!


What I'm trying to say is, never give up .... keep pushing forward with those baby steps and even though you may not always succeed, it's better to try and fail, rather than not trying at all. All of those littles successes add up and start to bring a sense of normality back to your life.... For me, it's been slow but sure, plus I have to factor in that I'm another 13 years older, so my body and brain is not always going to do, what it should!


13 years and still alive and kicking and it's been a perfect day! Keep on keeping on guys! xx




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Congratulations on your 13th Anni-versary Karen.


Your words are so inspirational and give us all hope that we can continue to recover and achieve things that maybe we thought we couldn't, Thank you for sharing your special day with us, for all that you do and for this wonderful support group.


Well done on getting up, down and around that hilly place.


Love & hugs

Michelle xx 

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well done super girl


an inspiring message and long may it continue sweetheart maybe we could put you up for doing the three peaks next year lol  but everything aside you are an inspirational person who had the foresight to set up BTG as an aid to your recovery enjoy your new life and by the way the spaghetti and meatballs look tasty lol have a fun day sweetheart  hugs and cuddles


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Happy anni-versary Karen, looks like you had a lovely day, the food looks pretty good too ;) 


As Paul says your are an inspiration and it took an inspirational woman to set up what has become an amazing support to us all.


Thank you


Clare xx

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Oh my goodness Karen..your 13th anniversary...congrats to you...but I have to say you have given many a gift with your words..As I am 15 months out I have to remind myself to think back 6 or 8 months to gauge my recovery...I have to remind myself often and it is sometimes not easy to see...Reading your encouraging words are so hopeful.


I am so happy you enjoyed your day, thinking of a day I am sure you will never forget.  This site has been my therapist...I am thankful and I try to be positive in the words I give others, knowing what others words have meant to me..



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Karen Happy 13th Anni-versary :) You are such a huge inspiration and have helped me and so many so much.

Thank you for being you and all that you are lovely lady ?  


So pleased you had a wonderful day celebrating. Thank you for sharing. You look amazing !

Be very proud :) 


Love you loads

Tina xx


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Mines belated also Karen but well done you. xxxx


You are 1 strong woman and have helped so many with this site and You are Great xxxx


Well anyone is to put up with me  ha ha  Seriously what you did all those years ago has helped me and others no end. 


Big thank you to you and Family xxxxx 

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Thank you Karen ~ from a Newbie. I am still reading many posts and just getting to know a few people on this site. Glad to discover your role in getting this site started. So lovely to read your words of encouragement and see your picture. Glad you had the perfect day!  ~Kathy

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  • 2 months later...

You sound very positive that is great ! For me I am too scared to even have 1 drop of wine or beer. I avoid caffeine also. The smell of coffee gives me a bad headache, even though I was a coffee drinker before my bleed. Congratulations

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Happy 13th anniversary, you've given me hope in these what seem like very early days. 1 year anniversary and told today I have a small gap in my coiled aneurysm, which has left me feeling sorry for myself.. I also have a separate 2mm aneurysm that I have known about since my 3 month scan in December.. I am grateful for the year I've had since, but...... it's scary..

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