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It doesn’t seem possible that I sit here 10 years on and can survey where I am now.


Not that I have a direct comparison from that day as I have no memory of events for a good few days after my aneurism let go , it was not until I left the ICU and moved to HDU and wondered what on earth was all the kit around me for that I have any memory at all and they aren’t that nice.  I pulled my ventricular drain out , my catheter, cannula, I mean they were just an annoyance!


Those days though are far in the rear view now but for some reading they may be very present and reality and so just  know healing is NOT confined to the first two years, regains continue , you learn more, but just don’t try and rush it faster than your brain is telling you it wants to go.


Trust me in that if you learn your warning lights and heed them then you’ll gain confidence and move forward. There’s no going back, getting back, it’s all about what’s possible from here. 
stay curious. 


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Congratulations Daffodil and many thanks for sharing your ten year journey with us on BTG.


You have been a great inspiration for so many of us as we too have faced out our individual struggles with this life threatening and life changing trauma. Thank you.


I am sure your two grown up girls are so very proud of you..not to mention the corgis and whippet in your life.


And keep up finding your way to balance on that waterboards...such a great wat to get focused and feel a sense of achievement. 😊


I hope you don't mind me sharing a poem I wrote for one of your girls many years ago .... 






I  am very proud of my mum

When I grow up, like her I want to be

I have found she has special qualities

Which all  mean the world to me


When you see her she looks just fine

But I know she has been through a lot

On 8th March 2012

I found out how much grit she has got


You see, mum`s brain had a bleed

I did not understand what it meant

I was very young at the time

But an angel to save her was sent


When she came home from the hospital

Our little family was then under strain

Our mum needed time to recover

If she was ever to be `MUM` again


But we knew that our mum was a fighter

She would not let this bleed rule her life

And our dad, though he was hard pressed

Was determined to stand by his wife.


At first mum`s personality was different

Often she did not make sense

Her body was weak and unbalanced

But her will to get better immense


There were times she was rather impatient

She was not quite the mum that we knew

But my sister, my dad and me

Were determined to do all we could do.


Looking back, we have been on a journey

Mum often gets tired but she`s fine

She has showed us that life`s what you make it

 I am so proud I can say `Mum you are mine` !


So when I leave school and look forward

I have the perfect example I need

My mum has shown me how to face life

She is my mum, my best friend indeed









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Congrats on 10 years. My (very scared) husband found your blog when I was in hospital and we both found it a great comfort to know we were not alone at the start of our journey. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your experiences. You provided light during dark times.




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Awww congratulations Daff on your 10 years :) a huge milestone xx


Thank you so much for sharing your beautifully written blog of your journey and also for your helpful supportive caring posts to many on here. You are a true inspiration and a lovely lady inside and out. Respect  ❤️ xx


Subs loved your poem :) xx


Take care 

Love Tina xx



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  • 3 months later...

Dear Daffodil,


I am catching up on readings. Thank you for your beautiful summary of the past ten years and congratulations. Your attached blog writing was honest and an inspiration.  I think our SAH journey is one of acceptance of a “new me” and you express it so well. I am thankful you remind us not to rush recovery.


I am one who has benefited over the years from your experience and words of encouragement. (I too loved subs poem). I like that you recognize that your suffering and trauma and personality changes impacted your loved ones and really everyone together weathers recovery. Your determination and finding a supportive circle around the “new you” really spoke to me.


I trust you’ll spread your wings and take off on new paths of understanding and joy as you embrace the future. I wish you the best. 

Hugs, Kathleen (in Colorado). 

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  • 1 year later...

Celebrating my 12 year point mark today.

Still regaining and changing and my landscape so different to the one that I lived through back then.  I still have growth, I have a new relationship now , daughters almost grown but BTG is such a part of my story that I think I’ll always come and say thank you here to Karen and the moderators and also I think of the lovely folk who helped me along the way and who are no longer with us .wonderful Win and the marvellous Macca


whatever you find yourself doing today find the joy in some of it 


love and healing to all 

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Hi Daffodil and thanks for your anniversary post 12 years on.


A tough and challenging recent past for you and delighted to hear you are so positive about the future.


Your two girls will have grown up so much. How are the four legged pooches doing? ? ... and of course 'James' is behaving too no doubt ? 😊


Take care and enjoy these relaxing times paddling on the waterways.





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Congratulations on your 12th year point mark Daff :) lovely to hear from you and that life is good :) 

Thank you for all your caring positive support over the years to many. You write so beautifully.


Sending much love

Tina xx

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Hey Daff and congrats! x


It fills me with complete pleasure that your life is starting to work out and that you have a new relationship! So very happy for you and very much deserved!


I always remember you on International Women's Day .... 🤎


Big hugs and hope the girls are doing well too ... Love K xxx

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