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Hello. I'm Anders


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I appoligise if my english is a little bit bad, but it's my second language.

I had my SHA 4 years and 1 day ago, at 05 december 2005, at around 0100 in the morning. I was 28 years old.

I came home from Korea 5 minutes before the aneurysm burst.

They don't operate SHA at my local hospital, so they sent my with an ambulaceplane to Oslo where they coiled the aneurysm.

After 4 years of trying different kinds of jobs and jobtraining, it was decided to give me an early retirement, at the age of 32.

I have big problems with fatigue, some headaces and sometimes I'm a little bit sound sensitive. I allso have some cognitive problems.

Strangely enough, it took me allmost 4 years to find this webpage.

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Hi Anders

Welcome to BTG, never mind the language, your English is good.

I think we all suffer from fatigue and other SAH related problems too so we do understand what you are going through.

I also have some relatives living in Oslo and maybe I will be visiting Norway next year if my health allows that to happen

Hope to hear from you some more.

Take care.

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Hi Anders, I hav'nt had an sah myself,i'm a carer for my wife who had an sah 8 months ago she suffers from fatigue, mobilty due to balance problems, slow thought process, a few other things, you however are a bit further in your recovery and i know there are other people on here who are further into recovery than 8 months and still experience fatigue ect so i will just say welcome, i'm sure you'll find some advice here Good luck. Rod

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Hi Anders

Welcome to BTG as Myra has already said you're English is very good. The dreaded fatigue is always an issue with us I also suffer with nerve pain in my head which will probably always be with me. I'm lucky though because I do manage to work part-time but it can be quite challenging at times.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Anders and welcome to behind the gray! :-D

Glad that you have found us and I also had my SAH in the same year as you .... July 2005. Think that I started this website about a year later, in July 2006.

I think that the problems that you are still experiencing, are common to most of us here. However, mine have improved, but I'm not back to normal pre- SAH energy levels. So perhaps, I've just adjusted myself to how my life is now.

Do you have any hobbies to keep you busy?

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Hi Anders

I also suffer with nerve pain in my head which will probably always be with me.

I think I allso suffer from something similar. The only problem is that I'm not able to describe realy how it feels. It's just a weird feeling that goes throug my head many times every day. Not like headache.

Karen. I have a dog to keep med busy. A small cairn terrier with his own opinions.

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Hi Anders

Your English is fine, honestly. I think we all suffer from fatigue and even now, three years on, I still get days when I feel completely wiped out. Hope you get a lot from this site - it's helped me a great deal.

Where in Norway do you live? I have family in Algard - my dad's brother (my uncle) moved there about 30 years ago. I've visited a couple of times an also went to Stavanger, Kristian Sands and skiing in Hovden - it's a beautiful country.

Hope to hear more from you soon.

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Hi Anders and welcome to BTG. Your English is great and the people on here are very helpful. They even understand me and I am Scottish.

I also have 2 dogs, Jack the Jack Russell and Barney who is a big dog who sadly does not know either his mum or dad and the vet is fed up guessing what type of dog he is. You seem to have built some coping strategies.

Hope to speak soon.

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Hi Anders,

Like everyone has said before me..."Welcome To This Site". You'll find everyone a friendly bunch, and always only too willing to answer, or help you with any questions that you may have.

I had my SAH, 2 years a go....17th July 07 to be exact. I had 3 Aneurysms....2 burst, one coiled.

I found this site on the September of that year, and honestly it was and still is a God send to me.

By the way...I have a West Highland Terrier...you can see her in the 'photo.

Take care, and hear from you again,

B x :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Anders :biggrin: A very warm welcome to you....i too suffer from extreme tiredness, have found the more i try to do the worse it gets.....it really is important to pace yourself and listen to your body,great advice i had from Karen when i first joined here !!!:biggrin: Look forward to hearing more from you. I also suffer from nerve pain and its certainly worse with the cold !! :roll: Take care Love Tina xx

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Hi Anders,

Welcome to the "family" i had my SAH and stroke in november o7 i still have lots of problems mobility wise i now have to wear hearing aids and wear a splint on my left leg but i seem to manage get by somehow:-D fatigue is a major problem and i had to finish my contract at school working as a teaching assistant this year..i am going through the ill health retirement process even though i am only 45....your english is perfect.

I have a fox terrier called Quin he was 3 on 16th december he keeps me busy and seems to know when i need to have a rest,

Take care and wishing you well.

Michelle C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Anders

Welcome to the family, I was also 28 when I had my SAh 2 years ago x x

Recovery is a long road x x I am back at work but must say I do find it hard but my bills need paying x x x

Look forward to hearing from you in the future x x




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