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Hi everyone my name is shelly and I had my a reputed aneurysm on the 9, June 2010.

I was out shopping (buying my new great nephew a present,he was borne that morning) when all of a sudden I had a hot flush come over me,my left leg went numb and then I collapsed in the street,luckily my partner was with me and caught me in time before my head hit the ground.

Next thing I remember was waking up in hospital with the most violent headache I had ever had and vomiting. I was brought to my local hospital in Enfield where they gave me A CT scan,witch reviled a subarachnoid haemorrhage. I was then transferred to the Royal Free Hospital in London. They gave me another CT scan witch revealed I had also another aneurysm on the other side of my brain and was small and not bleeding.

On the 11, of June I had the one on the right that was bleeding coiled. I was kept in hospital for three weeks. In september I had my post op scan, coiling had gone very well and the other aneurysm was 2x6mm, my consultant was very happy and said he would scan me in january to check it.

In january I went back to work part time,it's been hard to try and get back into a routine as my sleep pattern is still all over the place but i'm only doing 12 hrs a week.

At the end of january I had my scan and my annie has grown to 5x2mm. my consultant now wants me to have an angiogram to see how they are going to treat it,I have not had one done before so I'm a bit scared! This is going to be done on monday the 4,April.

My memory is still not good and I forgot to ask them if I should go back to work the next day after my angiogram....Work is starting to moan about me taking time off so soon after going back!!!

am so glad I have found this sight... and thanks for listing to me going on to long.x

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hi Selly & welcome to BTG. i would ask for advice on going to work after the angio from the medics but in my opinion I owuldn't advise it as you could be a little bruised & sore. I guess it depends on the type of work you are doing too. I knw Garyolly has had an angio this week & I'm sure he is off work for a week. best to ask the cons what he advises though as he is the expert.

I had my anni clipped on 6th June 2010 so we are similar in dates although my anni didn't bleed. I haven't made it back to work yet and am still suffering from fatigue & concentration problems.

Do take things easy where you can & don't push yourself too hard too soon xxxx

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Well, first of all, welcome to the family! Gosh, you really don't need the stress of work moaning at you. Don't they realise you could have died??! (not to be dramatic or anything!).

I only had the angio when I was rushed in with the bleed, so I don't remember much about it. However, I do remember saying to them that I would probably move as I was scared, and they said "we need you still for this" so they sedated/anaesthetised me. I'm sure someone will come along in a minute and give you more info as there are plenty of people here who've had angios.

Look after yourself first. Work can wait. No one is indispensable, ok? Take care!!

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Hi Shelly :) a very warm welcome to BTG. You are doing very well back at work part time. Really hope all goes well on Monday for you....let us know how you are getting on...take care love Tina xx

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Hay guys thanks for the messages,it's so good to get advice from people who know what they are talking about instead of my son and partner tell me whats best... the two of them are driving me mad!! but bless my son he found your site while he was supposed to be studying at uni.. only reason i went back to work was because he was going to drop out to look after me.

thanks again guys.xx

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Hi Shelly and a warm welcome to you. you are really doing so well and sound nice and positive too.

Good luck for Monday not long to wait. am sure all will go well.

Write all your questions down as you think keep the list next to the kettle ( always its the one place we all seem to gravitate towards! Don't forget to take it with you!

Big Hugs and good vibes for Mon!

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Hi Shelly and welcome!

Kids are great when it comes down to finding stuff on the computer! Sounds as though you're doing well and I know from personal experience how hard it is to return to work .... I tried and failed, but went back as a temp and just did the odd week here and there.

As for the angiogram, I was told to put my feet up, no heavy lifting/any strain etc for at least the following day, as it is a main artery and you want to make sure that this artery is healed over .... so, would advise that you don't go back to work the next day ..... give your GP or call your Consultants Secretary to ask the question.

Wishing you the very best of luck and hope that you find the website useful.....xx

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Hi Shelly,

Well done for being back at work - I had a ruptured anni on the 14th June 2010 so we are at the same stage. I also have to go back in and have another coiled but I have not been told I will need an angiogram so can't help there but just wanted to say hi.

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Hi Shelly and a warm welcome to you.

I wish you well for your angiogram on Monday - I have had two angios now and they are ok - you will be talked through everything. The only downside for me is that I am so short sighted I couldn't see the monitors to see what was going on:roll: They keep you lying down for several hours afterwards and I would ask them whether or not you should be at work the next day - I wouldn't worry what work think about you having time off - it is your health that is paramount after all. Following my angio I was given a list of when to apply pressure to the puncture site ie, cough, sneeze, using a bedpan or altering your position in any way. I am sure you will be given these instructions as a matter of routine.

I too have a second aneursym that is being monitored so I have every sympathy with you.

I hope that now your son has found this site for you, you will be joining us again - it is certainly good to be amongst people who have experienced the same thing.

Best wishes,


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HI shelly and welcome glad to hear you're getting on well, Merrill my wife had her sah 2years ago march the 27th just gone and she's had 3 angios and she breezed them each time,a little bit of soreness in the groin the next day and i do think they tell you to take it easy for a couple of days good luck for monday. Best wishes Rod

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Hi Shelly and as the others have said, WELCOME!!! These damned annies are scary stuff and you def don't need any more stress from your work place!!! YOU come 1st.

I had a follow up angio 6 mo. after my coiling. I was under what they call a twilight sleep. Started to come about when they were placing the seal, think they gave me a little more sedation, then woke in recovery. No problems. A bit of bruising at the site along with tenderness. The nurses gave instructions to take it easy and lay around at home the rest of the day. I did not go to work the next day, as was also very tired. If I remember right, mine was done on a Thursday, stayed home Friday and had the weekend at home then.

Hang in there sweetie. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to hearing more from you!


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Hi Shelly

Welcome to BTG, we are practically neighbours and like you I was also treated at the Royal Free hospital.

Glad that your son found this website, full of information and advice and off course wonderful friends. Hope to hear more from you when you are ready.

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Hello Shelly and a warm welcome,

I have had 2 angios done, both while i was still in hosptial. I'm sure they won't want you to go back to work for a few days. Hope all goes well for you on Monday, keep us updated.

Take care Rhiann x

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Hey Shelley,

Welcome to BTG. My date is close to yours as well. 4th of June 2010.

Not at work yet, as I suffer from a lot of sensory integration issues and some cognitive issuess.. ( that and being exhausted al the time)

Good to have you here!

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Hi Shelly

Hope all goes well with your angio today.

I had one in December and was quite anxious for many weeks beforehand...but all the nurses in the day ward and the nurses in the vascular unit were brilliant.

The lady who was performing the procedure spoke to me before I went in, and explained what would happen and how long it would take, and asked if I had any questions.

I was shaking when I got in there, partly because it was so cold in there!!... but they were great and kept talking to me throughout.

It did take about 4 attempts to numb the area sufficiently with local anaesthetic, which was the painful part, but after that it wasn't too bad; they explained when they would be flushing dye through and told me not to swallow when they were 'taking the pics'! It was like a warm strange sensation through the RHS of my face (annie is on the right-hand-side) and then it was a little like fireworks going off in my head, but it only took about 35mins in total for the pics to be taken, then they applied pressure for 10mins on the groin area to 'seal' the puncture site, and I was taken back up to the ward for a 4hour lay down before I could do anything.

Apart from feeling a little migraneous initially and taking some tablets, I had a little sleep, and was ok when I got up to pop to the toilet on my own and get dressed.

I was a little achey for a day or so, and took 1 day off work, after having the angio on a Friday. I was still a little bit migraneous for about a week after, but managed to work through it :shocked: I wish I'd taken the time off for a little rest! I must learn to rest more...

take care

Kel x

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