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Richards Op was a SUCCESS

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Hi all. Rich finally had his operation today.

Turns out the aneurism he originally had coiled and was told the coil was starting to slip out if perfectly fine. The surgeon today coiled (no stent required) the large aneurism and has said that there was a weak spot and it could have ruptured at any time. They have also discovered another aneurism measuring 1mm and there is still also a 2.5mm one too but he said that these could be stented and coiled but it was Richards decision as they were small and weren't considered a major problem at that size.

Saw him after op and he was moaning cos he wanted a wee and we said he had a catherter and he moaned that it just wasn't the same as being able to go the loo so I would say all is well.

Some more good news is that the builders are moving in Thursday for 3 weeks to start the adaptations so very happy about this - Richard will no longer have to use a commode - yippee (especially as I will no longer have to empty it :lol:).



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fantastic new zoe i know how he feels about having a pee :lol::lol::crazy: great news about the builders coming in

Richard is certainly getting his monies worth i thought three annies was being greedy but to find a couple more must have been a shock but hopefully not a problem i really hope richard will soon be back to his self soon would love to pop up and see you both if thats ok if you could let me know if thats ok would be after 4pm just let me know if ok take care sweetheart wish richard well for me

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