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Operation scheduled

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Hi everybody!  Wishing everybody  Happy 2017 !  Just to update ,my operation is  sheduled on the 27th of January. Feeling very nervous  as   the first option was endovascular but surgeon  said she can reach through craniotomy as well, a little bit more risk.


I decided  to do open surgery still don't know if right decision. Has anybody experienced craniotomy on ophtalmic artery ?  Can you give me any advice please as feeling dreadful. Thank you .Maya

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Hi Maya,

Just wanted to wish you all the best for 27th.  I think it is the apprehension and not knowing what it will be like that is making you feel dreadful.  I know I would be the same if such an operation was imminent for me. 


Having gone through 2 coiling procedures, (with more possibly to come at some point, ) I do know that the relief when it's over is tremendous and you too will get to that point.  You will be in very capable hands and perhaps you could try to focus on thinking about the end result - ie it being fixed and the fact that you will not have the worry of it all hanging over you and will be able to concentrate better on your studies. 


Take care,



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Good luck Maya


You are bound to be nervous it is natural.


Just keep your spirits high and we will all be here awaiting your post about it.


Good luck  and it is natural to be scared xxxxx...the web only tells you bad stories so listen to those who have had  it done themselves. 

I had coiling so I am a lot of help !!



Win xxxxx



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Thank you very much everybody for the reassurance. It is a very scary procedure. I am trying to stay  busy and keep positive for my children, but it is so hard as emotions for my children rush into my thoughts. 


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Hi Maya,


i had a craniotomy, though not sure what arteries were clipped.. The incision was down the right side along my hairline from forehead to just below the ear.  Portions of bone were removed in a couple places to do the clipping, then repaired.


When I first saw the stitches I was somewhat horrified, but you can't even see a scar,  recovering from the surgery took far less time and discomfort than healing from the ruptured aneurysm.  It's just amazing really.


Prior to the surgery I was also understandably nervous. My radiologist at the time reminded me that the neurosurgeon had done this surgery many times and that it was one of the easier surgeries he does.  One thing that is comforting is that once an aneurysm is clipped, it's done; no more aneurysm.


My surgery was eight years ago.  the clips (2) haven't moved. I hope this helps.



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I had a clipping on the right posterior communicating artery which was close to the 3rd nerve of the eye. Mine wasn't a rupture so I knew I was having it. It went well although I did have vasospasms and ended up in hdu for a few days. My vision has not fully returned and I still have no up or down movement in my right eye so have to have the right lens of my glasses frosted to prevent double vision. 


If you want to ask anything feel free to pm me x

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Thank you very much for the reassurance  and support. It is very hard to wait for my operation as I am very tired of being anxious. My aneurysm  is on the paraophthalmic artery. I did a lot of research  and it seems a very challenging area. I want to ask Bagpuss  or Colleen or anybody who has paraophtalmic aneurysm.


The NS gave 5 to 8 on endovascular  and 5 to 10 percentage risk for open surgery. I am so worried. I am just completely lost. Sorry. Just getting down.

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Ask them if it was their wife what would they go for, ask the NS this question.


Good luck and I will have a word to the sky as I always do when worried, I look skyward and say a few words.  Cannot hurt xxx


Keep strong and do not be afraid to tell them your worries. 


Good luck Again


Win xxxxxxxx


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Hi Maya


Sorry I can't offer any advice on the surgery. I have a very small paraopthalmic artery aneurysm but it is too small to treat at present so is just monitored. I can understand that it must have been very difficult to make a decision on the treatment options and must be scary waiting for the operation.


I will be thinking of you on Friday. Hope it all goes well. Xxxxxxx

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Mine was right posterior communicating artery so I don't know if its the same area. I just had double vision and eventually a completely closed lid by the time they operated. Because I'd had pressure in the bundle of nerves which work the eye/lid and pupil they weren't sure how much vision would come back. Sadly the up and down movement and the pupil dilation didnt come back


Weighed up against the comment that if it ruptured I would die (I assume because it was at the back near the brain stem) I literally had no choice. I don't think any op is without risks but personally I couldn't live with it in my head (and the awful pain I was in) 


It was my first ever surgery and I was absolutely terrified. I had to put my faith in the surgeons and take all the advice I was given. Vasospasms are more usual after a bleed so my surgeon was surprised I'd had them but they treated me accordingly and I was sent home weak but pain free.


Hope this helps in some way, I know its easy to over think stuff if its planned in advance, thankfully there was only a day between being admitted and the operation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!  Had open surgery. Surgeon managed to clip it  but end up with some bleeding. My most trouble symptoms  terrible headache, still in the hospital. On Monday they are planning  to do another ct scan. So far very tough journey. I don't feel my head. I would like to say thank you for all your kind words and reassurance. Now just ask the God help me as feeling  very weak. 


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