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13 Years Today

Super Mario

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It was about 7.30 pm on this night 13 years ago that my head exploded. It was a Wednesday.

In spite of it affecting my sense of balance and memory it did me a favour. Well that is how I look at it anyway. :) 


School was getting worse in respect of the students although I loved my job. There was no way I could continue to do it because of the balance problems.

I got ill health retirement with an enhanced pension which now gives me a decent life style. I can do what I want when I want. :) 


I love to travel and now I am able to go away in the cheaper times. I manage to get in 4 or 5 breaks abroad each year visiting places that were just a dream for me because of holiday allowances and cost restraints (school holidays only).

In fact, this year I have already had a couple of weeks in Fuerteventura seeking some sun and warmth and I am off to Madeira at the end of this month. That is just the start of my 2017 travels. More are planned.


There is no point in looking back, it happened and that can't be changed. I think of the SAH in terms of being a positive change to my life. There is more to life than work, work and more work, my whole outlook altered. Live life to the full and enjoy it to the best of your ability.


A SAH may seem like the end of the world initially but take it from me that it isn't. For me it opened new doors to a different life. I am not the same person as I was, in some ways I am better and in others worse.


In conclusion I have had 13 years to date of enjoying myself more than I could have ever dreamed of.


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Congratulations Super Mario!


What an inspiration you are with that positive spin on life!


I too am enjoying my retirement even though I took it early, but only three years ago now (SAH happening 6.5years ago).


You are right, of course, that there is more to life than work, although at the time we don't always recognise it and are apprehensive to make the leap - but I did and I have never looked back.


Enjoy your day, your life and your breaks Super Mario! 


You have helped me enormously since I came to this site and I think some of that positivity is included!  Thanks!



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Happy Anni-versary SM,

What a lovely inspirational post, i love how positive you are, i also love the fact that you live your life to the full.


Thank you so much for all of the support and encouragement you have given to me since I came to BTG.

I think you are a very special lady, have a lovely day.



Michelle xx


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Happy Anniversary Super Mario, it is reassuring for us newbies to hear that you are still doing well 13 years on, as it helps us to be less fearful and anxious and more positive about eventual outcomes. Also great to hear that you are able to get away several times a year and make the most of life.



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SM, well done and congratulations on 13 years post SAH.


An incredible lady and I agree.. such an inspiration. You fill each day with so much activity.

Here`s to many more trips abroad, and thanks for your commitment to your Mods role within BTG.


Your introduction of the Brain Games has been such a success to many.






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Happy Anni-versary!  I love your perspective, looking at the major positives.  I will be eligible to take full retirement late this year and have been back and forth on "should I, shouldn't I?"  You all just keep talking and it may help me decide LOL.


hope you have a lovely day, SM.  And many many more great holidays!



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Believe you me, in the early days of recovery I had a very negative attitude. One day, a few months after my SAH, I got up and thought "This is ridiculous, do something" That day was the start of me moving forward and becoming more positive as my confidence soared. I looked for things to do voluntarily locally in the first instance, that work filled my time.

I also plucked up the courage to travel abroad on my own again (I had been doing it anyway pre SAH), this time complete with walking frame. I must say the 1st time was daunting but I was going to a place I knew in Turkey and knew the owners. I still go to them now.


As I have said, I love to visit new places, not commercialised ones in the main, somewhere usually off the beaten tourist track that caters more for locals than tourists. Each July I try to visit a tiny Greek island I haven't been to. Fly onto a large island and get on a ferry for sometimes 3 or 4 hours.


You see there are big positives after the many negatives.

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Happy Anni-versary Super, you are an inspiration to us all.


Glad you enjoy your holidays, you worked hard before your SAH and deserve them. It's great that you have the confidence to go away on your own and visit places off the beaten track.

Keep taking those holidays and keep posting your great posts on BTG.


Enjoy your day.


Clare xx

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Happy Anniversary Super Mario. You Truely are a very special lady, I feel privileged to know you if only through BTG, hopefully we'll get the chance to meet in person sometime. Your positivity is amazing and something I aspire to.Thank you for being on BTG. You are a Star.

Jan xx

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Congratulations on your 13th anniversary SM.  


Your contribution to this site has been admirable and I'd like to say a special 'thank you' for all that 'extra help and advice' you have given me over the years - it has always been much appreciated.


I am just practicing my 'contortionist' manoeuvres, so that I might fit into one of your suitcases:-D


Take care,




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The indomitable SUper Mario. It is only because of you that I thought to myself, ' yes you can do that too, so get yourself on a plane, don't be scared' . That was huge for me and I honestly think of you every time I get on a plane now, which certainly isn't as often as you though! 


So thanks for treading the path before us with courage and sharing with those that follow that whilst life may change our path in the blink of an eye  it doesn't have to be broken or empty, there is still plenty to do and see.

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Thank you all for your wonderful posts, they did bring tears to my eyes.


The last thing I was looking for was praise. I was really making the point that there can be a good life after SAH, albeit a different one. SAH is not the end of the world. The future is in your own hands, it is what you make it.

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super Mario, Even though many of us haven't actually met you,I think we know you well enough to know that you weren't looking for praise,    but. . . . . Believe every single word above. You are remarkable.

Jan xx




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Belated Happy 13th Anni-versary Super Mario :)

You are indeed a real inspiration to us all and an amazing lovely lady I have had the pleasure to meet  :)

Lovely posts for a lovely lady :)


Thank you for all your helpful caring support on BTG xx .


Take care

Love Tina xx




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