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Wow! Congratulations Louise, on your 17yrs SAH Anniversary :)

Feel very proud of how well and how far you have come with your recovery !


I personally want to thank you for all your caring support to me in my early days of my recovery, meant so much xx. Also for all your caring support to others on BTG over the years. 


Hope you can do something nice to celebrate lovely lady. xx


Take care

Love Tina xx 



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Louise, well done on a remarkable 17 years.  I can`t begin to imagine the amount of ups and downs you have had along the way, but one thing is certain, you are here and making such a great contribution to the BTG support forums.


A big thank you for all the encouragement you have given me as a carer over the past two years.


And............. from Caveland :):)


Give Ronnie a big pat on the back from me too for his 17 years...... hope you both readjust to these shifts.




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Louise, There's not a lot I can add to the above, other than to say that you are an inspiration to me and I'm sure many othersThank you for always being there for me with your kind words aand encouragement.

Jan xx

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Hey Loobie - congratulations hun.


You made BTG a less scary place to be for a newbie 10 years ago and you've been a constant support ever since.  It is a privilege to know you and be a part of your journey - you've certainly made the road to recovery an easier place for so many of us.


Lots of love and a million hugs lovely lady xxxxxxxx

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Louise, I agree with Sami , you helped make my post SAH world a whole lot less scary as I suddenly understood that whilst things were vastly different that didn't have to mean without hope. That and the fact You set my mind at rest over my shunt barometer head. 


So keep on keeping on lovely lady. You say you haven't worked but I beg to differ, you have worked hard every day since! Xx

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Congratulations Louise on your 17th anni-versary,


Thank you so much for all of the help and support you have given me,

you truly are an inspiration to so many of us,

I can certainly say you have helped make my recovery journey easier and less scary

with your kind and encouraging words.


Hope you had a lovely day,


Michelle xx

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Thanks for the lovely comments I'm truly humbled...


was at the hairdressers on the 1st ha! how things change...


Subs, thank-you for Ronnie's pat on the back yeh he is my rock and I wouldn't be the person I am today without his encouragement.

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Belated 17th SAH Anniversary wishes to you lovely lady.

Your kind words and support have given me such strength over the years. Thank you.

You are an amazing, inspirational lady.


My world sure is a brighter place with BTG in it.


Take care,







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