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Has anyone with SAH got Covid-19 vaccine yet?

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Hi Gurveena


A very warm welcome to BTG :) 


I also had my vaccine a few weeks ago. I had a headache and felt off for a day. I also had Covid for 2 weeks over Christmas, it was horrible. Maybe that's why i had a slight reaction. I have been absolutely fine since and glad to have had the vaccine. I had the Pfizer one and my second one booked for April.


As SM has suggested, contact your Doctor or Nurse Specialist if worried.


Take care 

Tina xx



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Glad I read this...just actually landed 2 appointments for me and hubby for March 4th and 5th....Happy reading that it seems to be impacting us in a similiar fashion as everyone else...of course...realizing everyone is different...I think i was so worried about not being able to get a spot I didn't think of anything else...I had 3 friends work on it for us...not easy..

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Had mine Tuesday couldn't lift my arm to high because of pain but could by about 3pm Wednesday only hurts when I lean on it now actually on the injection site.


Now have headache cough and blocked nose but I have headache everyday since sah 18 years ago xxx

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I had the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday, my arm was very painful that evening & Wednesday morning, I then developed a headache that was really intense & painful but after about 6 hours it was like a switch was flicked and it vanished completely & since then I've felt fine.


The vaccination centre we're really good at explaining what might happen & also who to call if we were worried but definitely talk to your doctor and the staff at the centre.


Even feeling as rough as I did it is worth it not to catch Covid

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I haven't had my Covid vaccine jab yet:(


Hubby will be setting off for his injection in the next hour - he probably got his because he's in his sixties and I'm still a spring chicken in my fifties albeit only just!


In the meantime I shall just have to continue ducking and diving to try and avoid catching the virus.


I'm sorry to hear you had the virus over Christmas Tina, I hope you recovered well and haven't any lasting issues - sending hugs x



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Hello all,


Gurveena, I had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, January 19th and like most just a really sore arm/ shoulder. I will be getting my second dose tomorrow. I am hoping after effect will be the same.


Yes, @tina sorry to hear that. I was actually wondering where and how you were. I hope you recover completely.


Sarah, we are all young at heart I hope! 

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I had Pfizer vaccine 11 days ago and I had all of the side effects, headache, sore arm and quite bad muscle pain in arms and legs, but if there is a side effect to a medication, i am sure to get it.


As Super Mario said, everyone is different, you should speak to your doctor or nurse about any concerns, they will talk you through it and hopefully put your mind at rest.


I am speaking to my GP on Monday, just to put my mind at rest as I still don't feel 100%

back to normal. Xx

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I'm a family physician graduated in 2001. I had my shots in Dec and Jan. It was Moderna. Arm pain with first shot and flu like symptoms but not fevers after 8 hrs of second shot. Lasted may be a day and totally better the next day. It is a normal reaction of your body trying to make antibodies. 

It is very safe protein molecule so it can’t change your DNA or cells. You won’t grow a tail 😺 it is very unstable that is why they keep it cool. Moderna has a better method of putting the protein in a fatty/ butter like substance so it does not need extra cold temp.


Pfizer does not have that method so they have to keep it extra cold. But someone has to really know how to handle, store, draw, shake Pfizer vaccine. Some people have more reactions than others. If one is above age 55 the reaction might be milder.


Many people with cancer etc emphysema , on meds lowering immunity have got them and they did fine. So if you can get it please please do get it. Cases are down here I think thanks to the vaccine.  Good luck

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Hiya, can understand being scared me too, but wont stop me having it... also HATE injections but again get i'll get it done.  When I get the word to go...


My husband's had both his now and he's been fine just a slight sore arm nothing else...  Everyone is different...


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  • 3 weeks later...

My husband and I get the first Pfizer vaccine tomorrow.  Will let you all know how it goes.  Both his mom and my parents at 80 had no reaction other than a sore arm!  Hoping genetics plays role in response 🤦‍♀️🙏🏻

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the AstraZeneca jab. Had shivers and temperature in the night and felt sick. Following day I was exhausted and felt lousy. Day after that I was fine. Second jab booked in for the end of May: not looking forward to another round of side effects. But everyone is different 😊

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I had the AstraZeneca jab, 1st dose, last Friday and had a bit of arm ache for a couple of days, but nothing else.  Have felt completely fine.  Like Sallios said though, everyone is different and there have been different side effects for different people.

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Had the Moderna , no effects after first shot but head ache and body aches after the second dose...lasted through the night into the nest day and around 4pm it started to fade and by eve I was feeling better...I am so happy to have gotten the shots I didn't even mind it.....My husband had same shots and only sore arm, different for everyone I guess..


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